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nettsamfunn - sosiale nettverk

Litt av hva vi gjør på sosiale nettverk:

IDA på LikedIn:

IDA, Integrert Databehandling AS, was a Norwegian IT company, established in 1963 by all the Norwegian Commercial Banks. At that time the banks did not compete the way they do today, IT resources was scarce and hardware quite expensive. The Norwegian Commercial banks cooperated in establishing IDA to be able to be in the forefront of the technological development. IDA developed the software solutions for the banking business, running the systems with on-line connections to all bank offices, and later also all ATM's in Norway.


TeamPartner på LinkedIn:

TeamPartner bygger på et utviklingskonsept som integrerer de kritiske suksessfaktorene i salgs- og markedsføringsprosessen.



Steffen på Sosiale nettverk

Steffen på LinkedIn: Steffen Myklebust

Steffen på Facebook: Steffen Myklebust

Steffen hjemmeside: Steffen Myklebust

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